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Avhandlingar av doktorander vid LUDC

Här hittar du de senaste avhandlingarna av doktorander knutna till Lunds universitets diabetescentrum och det strategiska forskningsområdet EXODIAB (Excellence of Diabetes Research in Sweden) vid Lunds universitet.

Söker du efter avhandlingar från tidigare år? Du hittar fler avhandlingar med koppling till det strategiska forskningsområdet EXODIAB vid Lunds universitet i forskningsportalen.

Doktorsavhandlingar inom EXODIAB i Lunds universitets forskningsportal 2010-2024


Aspects of Sex Differences in Type 1 Diabetes
Jasaman Tojjar

Carbohydrate Quality and Type 2 Diabetes Risk - With a Focus on Intake of Carbohydrates and Carbohydrate-Rich Foods
Kjell Olsson

Cellular individuality across the spectrum of heart diseases with implications for new therapeutic targets
Neha Pimpalwar

Coronary heart disease in women by history of preterm delivery - Register-based studies on clinical presentation and treatment outcome
Moa Handmark

Genetic and phenotypic discordance in cardiometabolic diseases
Daniel Coral

Metabolite Alterations and Cardiometabolic Disease: A Nutritional Perspective
Einar Smith

Regulation of insulin secretion in diabetes: Molecular mechanism and applications
Rui Wu

The Impact of Our Lifestyle on the Epigenome and Metabolism
Josefine Jönsson


From Molecule to Motion: Understanding Skeletal Muscle Insulin Resistance
Ola Ekström

Participation in prospective studies of children with high for type 1 diabetes. Psychological effects, experience and study compliance
Jessica Melin

Answers of big biological data to unsolved diabetes questions - Unveiling causes of impaired ß-cell insulin secretion
Alexandros Karagiannopoulos

Fetal programming and parent-of-origin effects of type 2 diabetes and insulin secretion
Gad Hatem

Functional genomics approaches to dissect causal DNA variations in obesity and type 2 diabetes
Mi Huang

Use of data mining and artificial intelligence to derive public health evidence from large datasets
Hugo Fitipaldi

Bioactive lipids as neuroprotective targets in type 2 diabetes
Cecilia Skoug

Roles of unconventional ion channels and insulin granule structure in the pathogenesis of type-2 diabetes
Mohammad Barghouth

Aspects of immunogenetics, infections, and nutrition on the risk of celiac disease autoimmunity in an Ethiopian pediatric birth cohort
Adugna Negussie Gudeta


Genetics of Diabetes Subtypes. Characterization of novel cluster-based diabetes subtypes.
Dina Mansour Aly

Early life dietary factors on the risk of celiac disease. Associations of dietary factors with risk of celiac disease in children at genetic risk.
Elin M Hård af Segerstad

Peripheral neuropathy in type 1 and type 2 diabetes – screening of vibrotactile sense and proteomics in human nerve biopsies
Erik Ising

Cardiovascular Dysautonomia in older adults. Aetiology, Diagnosis and Health related consequences
Ekrem Yasa

Sugar-Coated. The role of sugar intake and cardiovascular disease development in the context of nutritional recommendations
Esther González-Padilla

GPCRs in pancreatic islet of rodent and human. An emerging role for adenosine A1, P2Y6 and P2Y14 in the regulation of insulin secretion
Fariborz Parandeh

Role of Proneurotensin in Cardiometabolic Diseases
Ayesha Fawad

Elucidating causal relationships between energy homeostasis and cardiometabolic outcomes
Pascal Mutie

Modern roles for an ancient system. Intracellular Complement in the regulation of cell function
Ewelina Golec

Peripheral blood biomarkers of cell-specific autoimmunity. Studies in children at increased risk for type 1 diabetes.
Falastin Salami

Immunological markers of type 1 diabetes pathogenesis prior to clinical diagnosis
Agnes Andersson-Svärd

Optimizing Exposome-wide Assessments in Cardiometabolic Risk
Hugo Pomares-Millan